Friday, 23 October 2015

Dark Ages Fun: painting some Norman mounted thugs

Mostly figures from the Crusader Miniatures and Gripping Beast lines, both have their pros and cons but on the whole the Crusader have been the easier to work with. As you have noticed (please) I have been off the air for a while, black dog problems (depression), not critical but it can slow things down. So I haven't been painting a whole lot, but when I feel relaxed enough I get in and do a bit. This is a collection of what I have been able to do since we last met.

Crusader Miniatures, hand painted shields with some VVV decals

Gripping Beast with two LBM shields and the rest hand painted, one a dubious quality beast design.

....and a Foundry figure i have been painting for a laugh.

bye and thanks for looking



  1. These Normans are really nice, great job...and 'beautiful' last figure!

    1. Cheers Phil always good to hear from you. It's never over till you hear the fat lady singing ;-)

  2. Excellent work on all of these, Dave. I have Crusader Normans, but their horses look more the like the GB ones in above. The horses with yours look way nicer - they must've changed them since I got mine several years ago.

    1. Thanks Dean, yes apparently there are two lots but I don't know which is which. I was informed that these are the older style. They are nice and hefty and look built to carry knight where as the GB horses are a little bit too slight in my opinion. The Crusader mini's are a joy to paint, frankly the GB are a bit hit and miss.


Good, bad or otherwise I love to hear what you think..... mostly