Saturday, 9 May 2015

Dark Ages Fun: base and run

No long winded explanations about the bleeding obvious this time, very busy with house renovations and today is painting day..... not the type of painting I would prefer to be doing. So I will love you and leave you with a few photo's of this weeks activities. That would amount to painting a couple of shields, not a massively difficult task you might say but something I have rarely done, just wondering if I have ever done it.........

......and basing the figures from the last post. My hoard of tufts must be in the storage container so I had to get creative with some railroad mat and recycled some bits off of the old bases.

Thanks for looking


  1. Excellent job, they look fierce, beautiful, and your basement is really nice...

  2. Thanks Phil, long way to go yet before I have enough to put up fight but I'm pleased they look fierce.

  3. Fantastic Dave! Great stuff

    1:1 scale painting isn't my idea of fun either...

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Thanks for your comments Paul. Ceilings today, gives your neck no end of grief, grrrrrr.

  6. You're doing better than I am at the painting table for sure.

    Painting ceilings is a nightmare. My interior painting is done. Now I've to paint the porch and stain what seems like miles of wooden fence in the backyard.

  7. I make sure I get a couple of hours in the shed each night to do a bit of painting or sculpting, got to get my eye in. Hopefully I'll be finished with the ceilings tomorrow, it is such a shitty job....

  8. Nice work as always, Dave. I like how you highlighted the shield pattern. Cool use of large rocks on the bases too.

  9. Thanks Dean, now that I have shields worked out I'll have to figure out how to add the battle damage.

    I thought the skirmishers would like to stick to broken ground so a few rocks seemed like a good idea.

  10. Cheers Kiwi thanks for dropping by.


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